How do we use the Equality Court to challenge Discrimination?

The Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act prohibits unfair discrimination on any of the grounds specified in the Constitution. The Act also bans hate speech and created the Equality Court to address these types of claims. Equality Courts are attached to Magistrates and High Courts.

To bring a case to the Equality Court, you must approach the local Magistrates Court and ask for the Equality Court. The clerk of the court can assist you in filling out the required forms and communicate with the person against whom you are bringing the claim. The magistrate has to decide if he or she will hear the matter or refer it to an alternative forum.

The Equality Court is less formal than other courts and you do not require a lawyer. You must provide as much evidence as possible to support your case. You also have to answer claims brought by your opponents through statements or witnesses. The Magistrate can make a variety of orders to address the wrongdoing and to prevent reoccurrence.

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